Sunday, January 9, 2011

Cervix, Acephalix, Bruxers, Neurotoxicity, and Shitty Fucker

I've been out doing too much shit the last few days and haven't been keeping up. This show happened on Thursday, Jan. 6.

I intentionally got to the show a little late because they never start on time at Hazmat and the opening bands were shitpiles that I had already seen. Little did I know that the lineup had been reorganized and I got there right as Shitty Fucker played their last song. They sounded like pretty decent crusty fastcore and I'll check them out in full in the future.

The second band up was Bruxers from San Jose. Nobody knew shit about them at the show and they surprised the crowd with some competent death metal. They weren't super exciting to watch and I pretty much instinctively distrust the suburban shaved head metal look that the singer was sporting but the jams were right on. The talk at the show was that they are pretty young and new so they might grow into something pretty fucking good in the future.

If you haven't seen Acephalix then do yourself a favor. They are a bunch of huge dudes going wild and playing a blend of D-beat crust mixed with black and death metal. They have been one of my favorite bands to see in the Bay Area for a few years now and as their music gets more into the realm of brutal metal, it seems like more people are into them and respond aggressively in the pit.

The next band was Neurotoxicity, which is a dumb as fuck name for a band and they are about as good as their name. Greg from Thousandswilldie plays drums for them and that is the only saving grace. The guitars sound like punks with little aptitude are trying to play black metal and failing, which is pretty much what it is. I spent this set outside the building. I've seen the band before and when they play they all look like they would rather be somewhere else, probably sitting with me outside the building.

The last band of the night was Cervix from New York. They are a crusty metal band. I didn't find them very interesting other than the petite female guitarist that fucking wailed. The cutesy-crusty female singer striking poses thing kind of seemed like a gimmick but the guitarist was on some shit.

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