I've fallen super behind. Too much partying. This show was on Jan. 21 and was the first night of the Short, Fast, and Loud 'zine's 10 year anniversary fest at Gilman. Those fucking people know how to put on a show. Almost every active fastcore band that would pack the house played this thing. Both shows were the highest grossing shows at Gilman ever, which makes it the biggest weekend Gilman has ever had. The line was long.
The first band was DHC which I literally got in the door only to see the part where they said, "we're DHC, goodnight." They sounded pretty good from outside. I'm doing a metal band with the singer and I'd imagine that any band he's in would be pretty decent since he has rad taste in music.

The second band up was Iron Lung which is lame because they are one of the biggest drawing bands on the bill. They killed it as usual, it was not an issue at all to see them two nights in a row and not being stoked. They even played the same set, but they are all really good songs.
After Iron Lung, Voetsek played. I was stoked on them when they were a thrash punk band 10 years ago. They got caught up in the stupid thrash metal revival in the punk scene and now they pretty much suck. I don't even like to watch them play. In fact I went across the street to the Pyramid Brewery where Brutal Truth and members of Capitalist Casualties and PLF among others were drinking. It was the fucking cred party at the bar. I was not the coolest person in the room.

I had never seen Plutocracy but I have smoked weed with one of the dudes who plays guitar. They had a lot of sound issues with their sampler and gave my friend Will the sound guy a lot of shit about it. They were rad Best Coast powerviolence with a lot of vato tendencies. I support this.

I've seen Lack of Interst a couple of times but I always get them confused with Despise You, who played the next night. It seems like when one of these bands plays up here, the other comes along and they have some common characteristics. Lack of Interest is better in my opinion. Brutal and fast LA powerviolence and a great show.
After Lack of Interest's set I ran into Stinkweed from Plutocracy and we reconnected on our bro-down a couple weeks before at the Hatred Surge show. He invited me to smoke weed with him and I got tore up.

Brutal Truth closed the show. They played for a long time and by the end I was ready to go. I was so messed up I had a hard time seeing the band in focus and there were so many people there I couldn't get up to the front. Hence the picture of the backs of people's heads and the Gilman heater. They are a good band but not everything they ever wrote needs to be played in one sitting, especially the family song that they closed the set with. It sucked. I can mark that legendary band off my list of acts to see but it would have been nice if the sound was working right.
I had to leave my car there and get a ride home with Chuck.
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