Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Sorrower, Badr Vogu, Negative Standards, Burial Tide, Hellbeard

This show happened at Victory Warehouse in Oakland on Jan. 29. There were some bad bands. Like Hellbeard, they sucked. If a new metal band tried to play stoner noise it would sound like this.

Second up was Negative Standards. I see them a lot lately but they're always good. And Will is always good for a pissed off looking picture:

The Burial Tide features Greg from Thousandswilldie on drums and is a really boring ambient stoner band that sounds like there is too much bad emo being listened to by someone in the group. They have a keyboard player who plays facing away from the audience. I want to stab him in the back of the skull. I just want to see Greg's next great fastcore band or an awesome metal band. I know he's more than capable of that shit.

Sorrower from Arizona played next and they were pretty competent scumbag death metal. It wasn't fucking great but it was solid. If I hadn't hated two of the three previous bands then I would have liked them more. They had some fat dudes in the band so that's cool.

Badr Vogu played last. They are good still. I was pretty wrecked by the end of their set, probably from the secondhand pot smoke. Yeah, that's it.

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