Last night's jams were at Balazo/Submission and were the second night in a row for me to see Vaccine and Punch. Both were worth it.

The first band up was Negative Standards. I'm friends with all these dudes so I may be biased but I like them quite a bit. The music is a heavy, crusty hardcore with parts that are almost ambient and a lot of samples. When they play live they have TVs that play a bunch of violent psychedelic images behind them. The whole thing is right up my alley. Here is their demo for download:
2010 cassette
For the second night in a row Vaccine was awesome. Fast and furious in a way that Vin Diesel couldn't comprehend. The Balazo is a bit more intimate than Gilman so there were a lot more kids packed up front and the vocalist took the opportunity to go apeshit in the crowd for a bit. This band is really fucking good live. That reminds me that I've got two of their 7's that I haven't listened to yet. Putting them on now.

Punch was also pretty rad but Meghan sat down on a stool on the corner of the stage the whole show because she had gotten a screw taken out of her foot and couldn't stand for long periods of time. I broke my ankle on tour once upon a time and sympathize with her completely with the injury. There are plenty of bands who just wouldn't play the show if their singer was injured. The mosh kids were wild during the Punch set. I couldn't get close enough for a decent picture.

Comadre finished up the show and I was stoked to see them after so long. It's been at least a year, maybe closer to two. They are basically a screamo band but with a lot of great hardcore influences and they are pretty good at the whole caring-so-much-I'm-pissed thing. And I'm a sucker for those parts of songs where the band doesn't play but just screams the lyrics together. Yeah.
The show was over before 11 p.m. that was fucking awesome.
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