I got there late and missed Secret People. I found out later that Matt from Right On! is in that band so I'm checking them out later this month when they play in Oakland.

No Statik is the best hardcore band going in the Bay Area right now. By extension they are one of the best bands in hardcore, probably my favorite band that is playing shows right now. Every show I stand in awe of how much energy Michelle the singer has. And the rest of the band is constantly thrashing around with huge beards and long dreads flying.

Vaccine had a tough act to follow but killed it as well. When I think Boston straight edge this is not what I envision. Vaccine plays great straight ahead and aggressive hardcore with lots of '80s influence and none of that chug chug tough guy shit that I think of when I think Boston.

I found out what the young kids were there for when Loma Prieta started playing. The band features Val and the new bass player from Punch so I stayed for a song to check it out. It's a screamo band with some aggressive youth crew thrown in. I went and had a beer across the street.

Punch finished up the night and were pretty great as usual. I really think that this band sounded better a year or two ago when they had more of a powerviolence thing going on but they are still a rad hardcore band. Meghan the singer is still in a walking cast from breaking her ankle on their European tour a few months ago so she wasn't in her usual form and Dan Africa has apparently quit the band. I didn't really like the two guitar sound live anyway but Dan was a pretty cool part of the band. I liked him on bass a lot better than the dude they have playing now. I'm probably just jealous that it's not me playing with them.

I finally had some money at a show and spent it on rad hardcore accessories. I'm stoked No Statik had a shirt big enough to fit my fat ass.
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